Guide to predictions

How to read the RacingWizard predictions
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The prediction assigns each horse a score expressed in "lengths". The horse with a score of 0 is the software's favorite for the race.
Horse Rating
The software score assigned to the horse.
Since the horses are sorted by "total rating", this score can also be positive.
Jockey and Trainer Rating
The jockey's and trainer's score.
Calculated based on the number of victories, placings and amounts won in the last year. If a jockey or a trainer has not participated in at least 10 races in the year, they receive a score of 1.50.
Prediction (Total rating)
Final evaluation.
Calculated by adding the scores of the horse, the jockey, the trainer, and the distance and going attitude.
Going and distance statistics
Each set of three numbers represents: number of races run on the going/distance, victories, and placings for betting purposes. Withdrawals on the going are shown in brackets..
General, Track, Flat and Jumps
Overall statistics, including those on the track and divided by specialty (flat and jumps).
The last 6 races. 0 means the horse placed beyond 10th position. The "-" symbol represents a stop of at least 90 days.
The number of days since the last race. The number of races run in the last 90 days is shown in brackets.
Value ($ or £)
The average prize amounts of the last 6 races run.
Going and Distance attitude
The score evaluates the horse's aptitude for the specific going or distance of the race.
Past Result Section
Last 6 races for each horse
The current horse is highlighted in orange, while the horses that are in today's race and ran together in a past race are highlighted in blue.
RWR Section
What is the Racing Wizard Rating?
The Racing Wizard Rating is a score assigned by the software to each horse for every race it runs.
RWR History
For each horse, the last 7 ratings are displayed, from the most recent to the oldest, along with the predicted rating for the current race.
The RWR determines the horse's rating and, combined with other factors such as jockey, trainer, distance, and going, determines the final prediction.
Important remarks on predictions
Going, distance and draw number
The total score assigned to each horse consider the attitudes to the ground and to the distance but not the draw number. Draw number is important but each track has its own characteristics. Often the advantage given by the draw also depends on the type / conditions od ground.
Horse back to races
The software doesn't penalize the horses after a long break. Usually the odds already include the back to races factor.
Young horses and few performances
The software is less reliable due to the fact there aren't enough performances. It often happens that a colt with obvious winning chances is undervalued because he won on his debut against poor opponents.